The Koroway Tribe are a fascinating tribe only recently discovered in Papua New Guinea. Up until the 1970s, there had been no previous recorded contact between them and the western world.


Day 1:
Upon Arrival in Jayapura ( L + D )

On arrival at Sentani airport of Jayapura, meet us and catching regular flight to Dekai/Yahokimo,( This is a flexible plan depending on your arrival and the availability of flight tickets to Dekai. But recommended to fix the flight for the next day because: flights are very often delayed due to weather conditions and we strongly recommend carrying baggage as needed for your trip in the Koroway. We will help you to arrange it and keep it with us before leaving). Make more preparation before leaving to Dekai. While preparing for the trip,lunch will be served at local resto in the toen and we will visit floating Resto for dinner. Overnight stay at the hotel.

Day 2:
Jayapura – Dekai ( B + L + D )

After morning breakfast, you will catch your flight to Dekai and we will prepare and make sure that things are being fixed with the foods supplies, boat etc. Rest of the day you may walk around Dekai villages to explore Dekai small town. Lunch and dinner will be served at street restaurant. overnight stay Hotel in Dekai.

Day 2:
Dekai – Korowai Tribe Teritory
( B + L + D )

After morning breakfast, take a short transfer by Jeep to Lokpon and today travel by motorized canoe through Brazza River for approx 8-10hours. From Brazza river up to Kolf River on destination to Mabul or baygon. Depends with rivers high condition, sometime the water river down to 1 meter (low tide), the boat have to be slower. There is a lot of wildlife to be seen on the way – sometimes the world’s biggest crocodiles lurking in the water, sometimes water turtles, sometimes just birds and parrots. Late in the afternoon you shall reach the village of Mabul – a starting base for all expeditions to Korowai Proceeding with all necessary preparations for further expedition to the jungle – negotiation with a chief of the village, getting more supplies, selecting the porters and scouts – these moments are always memorable for the expedition’s participants. From now on forget about privacy – the Papuan kids will be following your every single step and watching you closely. Westerners are probably bigger attraction for Papuans than Papuans for Westerners. Lunch is provided in lunchboxes but Dinner prepared by a cook and night spent in the local house.

NOTE: These is a small chance that we’ll reach Mabul during two days trip – all depends on weather conditions. In such case we’ll spend one night in one of the Citak tribe’s villages on the way.

Day 3
Korowai Tribe / Rainforest
( B + L + D )

We will spend these 3 days adventure is some of the most pristine lowland rain forest in the world. We will visit several “rumah tinggi” and its inhabitants. We will choose the most accommodating spot to spend more time there thus we’ll be able to take a closer look at the daily life of Korowai and learn their – sometimes shocking – customs. Be ready for getting wet and dirty! Our way will go through huge swamps and rainforest and will cross many bigger and smaller rivers. Sometimes to cross the river we’ll chop down a tree and build a provisional bridge. The group will be at all times accompanied by porters and a local guide / hunter hired in the first village.

we will visit several “rumah tinggi” and its inhabitants. We will choose the most accommodating spot to spend more time there thus we’ll be able to take a closer look at the daily life of Korowai and learn their – sometimes shocking – customs.

Everyday we’ll be marching approximately 4 to 6 hours a day taking into account many stops and “photo breaks”,it will probably beafull day trekking

Day 4:
Still with Korowai Tribe / Rainforest
( B + L + D )

Be ready for getting wet and dirty! Our way will go through huge swamps and rainforest and will cross many bigger and smaller rivers. Sometimes to cross the river we’ll chop down a tree and build a provisional bridge. The group will be at all times accompanied by porters and a local guide / hunter hired in the first village. During the 3 days in the jungle, we will not only visit several settlements cut off from civilization, but also have a unique chance to experience the beauty and menacing power of one of the wildest stretches of rainforest in the world.

You will meet remarkable people from a completely different world. The tribes of Korowai is one of the most isolated and least known ethnic groups of Melanesia, still steering clear of the missionaries who have been more and more successful at converting other tribes in the past three decades. The Korowai is so rarely visited by groups of white people that it is hard to tell who will be a greater attraction – our expedition for them, or the other way around

Day 5:
Still with Korowai Tribe / Rainforest
( B + L + D )

we will not only visit several settlements cut off from civilization, but also have a unique chance to experience the beauty and menacing power of one of the wildest stretches of rainforest in the world. We may spend the time in one or two place if there is something unusual. The participants of the expedition will get an opportunity to admire the untouched flora and fauna, learn a few basic rules of survival in the jungle, possibly with a chance of going hunting. We’ll also see how to make sago, build a trap for a wild pig.

The participants of the expedition will get an opportunity to admire the untouched flora and fauna, learn a few basic rules of survival in the jungle, possibly with a chance of going hunting. We’ll also see how to make sago, build a trap for a wild pig.

Day 6:
Still with Korowai Tribe / Rain Forest
( B + L + D )

More closer to them, learn their way of life and culture. What you might see is how they make their main food from a long process, how to make sago, hunt or how to make baskets made from leaves around them.

Learn more about their way of living – The tribes of Korowai is one of the most isolated and least known ethnic groups of Melanesia, still steering clear of the missionaries who have been more and more successful at converting other tribes in the past three decades. The Korowai is so rarely visited by groups of white people that it is hard to tell who will be a greater attraction – our expedition for them, or the other way around

Day 7:
Retur To Dekai
( B + L + D )

Early in the morning return to the Mabul village. Farewell to the porters and repacking our equipment. All-day-long boat trip on the Brazza and Siret River back to Dekai. Pick up from the harbor and drive back to town. Accommodation in a local hostel (very basic conditions). Lunch and dinner will be in the small Warung (Food Stalls).

During the trip back to the city through the brazza river there are some wild animals to be seen; crocodiles, various species of birds, wild boar, turtles. these animals usually appear on riverbanks during certain seasons.

Day 8:
Flight To Jayapura
( B + L + D )

Simple breakfast at Hotel and lunch will be in the small Warung (Food Stalls). By IL2210 at 11:00 AM flight to Jayapura (baggage allowance for this flight is 10kg per person only). This flight will depend on the weather conditions. We will transfer you to the hotel that you have booked . Rest of the day is free to relax after an exhausting expedition.

Day 9.
Jayapura – Next Destination ( B )

After morning breakfast, you will be tranfered to the airport and check in and wait your flight for your next destination.



  • First aid box,
  • Camera,
  • Light or Matches
  • Small Money
  • Identification Document
  • Plastic bags
  • Raingear (water proof jacket, hood for the backpack, trousers)
  • Sun glasses and hat, sun blocker
  • Hiking sticks
  • Hiking boots
  • Sewing kit
  • Additional clothing
  • Fleece hat
  • Torch or head torch
  • Hiking socks
  • Pocket knife or similar tool (I prefer Leatherman)
  • Additional shoelace

Recommended !

Direct Contacts

Whats App Call/Text :
+62 82199934796